Use your strengths optimal

Use your strengths optimal

Become a business leader by thinking like an Olympian It is always exciting to watch the Olympics or a world championship. You see the best athletes in the world competing against each other. Powerful men and women who are the absolute best of the best in their...
7 Ways to make change management a success in your company

7 Ways to make change management a success in your company

The only thing sure in life is change. This rings truer than ever today. Our world is undergoing rapid societal and technological shifts. New markets are opening up with a whole new set of consumers. Many of the biggest companies today, barely existed 10 years ago....
6 tips om organisatieveranderingen te vertellen

6 tips om organisatieveranderingen te vertellen

Als leidinggevende bent u niet alleen verantwoordelijk voor het mededelen van goed, positief nieuws. Ook het vertellen van slecht, negatief nieuws behoort tot uw taken. Zoals het aankondigen van organisatieveranderingen. Dat hoeft overigens niet per se negatief te...