Is uw bedrijf klaar voor de toekomst?

Is uw bedrijf klaar voor de toekomst?

Niemand kan de toekomst voorspellen met een glazen bol, helaas. Toch kunnen we voorzichtige voorspellingen doen over ontwikkelingen in de toekomst, gebaseerd op de huidige trends en ontwikkelingen. Digitalisering is één van die belangrijke ontwikkelingen. Het digitale...
The power of the “Positive Question”

The power of the “Positive Question”

We want to make the most of our employees, using different techniques and coaching. But the question remains which way works best? There are many roads leading to Rome, but we want to use the most efficient way. One option is to focus on the employee and see...
Automate processes

Automate processes

Companies do not fully utilize their software capabilities on a large scale. Either of the existing software or the failure to write a custom software program, which allows you to work many times more efficiently. This can save companies a lot of money, especially in...


What a wonderful day. Beautiful weather with warm temperatures. What surprised me lately is the big difference among youth. You have the passionate youth who are beginning at a young age with their own business. Amazing to see how these young people have an intrinsic...